Should you hire a DUI Lawyer or use a Public Defender?

Should you hire a DUI Lawyer or use a Public Defender?DUI Attorney vs Public Defender posted on

When charged with a DUI, having a lawyer by your side is the
best case scenario for nearly everyone.
So what are the pros and cons of hiring a dui attorney versus using the
services of the public defender?

For one, money. An
excellent DUI Attorney will cost you money, whereas the Public Defender is
provided at no cost. This is not to say
that a public defender is a bad attorney.
The fact is that a Public Defender’s caseload is usually very large so
he or she may not have the time to devote to the specifics of your case.

When hiring an attorney, you also get to interview and
select the attorney you decide to work with.
By contrast, a Public Defender is assigned to your case.

However, one of the greatest benefits a DUI Attorney has
against a public defender is specialization.
The Public Defender will be working with several types of criminal
cases, whereas a DUI Attorney is a highly specialized lawyer that is familiar
with the nuances of DUI Law and the science used to defend your DUI in court.

The bottom-line is, whether you request a public defender,
or hire a DUI Attorney, you should not face your DUI charges alone.

To get a free DUI Case analysis call 1-888-DUI-HOTLine. The call is confidential and the advice is free. Call 1-888-DUI-HOTLine today.

Should you hire a DUI Lawyer or use a Public Defender?

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